Choose the right answer

  1. Which of the following makes the <h2> elements on a page green?
    #h2 {color: green;}
    h2 {color: green;}
    .h2 {color: green;}
    <h2> {color: green;}
  2. Which of the following are correct definition of id in html?
    <p id="rabbit song" >
    <p id="rabbit_song" >
    <p id="rabbit-song" >
    <p id="rabbitsong" >
  3. Which of the following are correct uses of css rules?
        #rabbit_song {color: green;}
      <p id="rabbit_song" > ...

        #rabbit song {color: green;}
      <p id="rabbit song" > ...

        #rabbit-song {color: green;}
      <p id="rabbit-song" > ...

        .rabbit-song {color: green;}
      <p id="rabbit-song" > ...