Travel to Disney World....

This is the fireworks at disney, aren't they amazing?

The Info on Disney!!!

The things there are really amazing.Especially when you stay out over night.There are fireworks and they light up the sky!Plus, the people some times buy little light up gadgets that light up! Its all super AMAZING!!!!!!!!

Things you might want to see...

What to do when your bored....

If your bored you might want to go on the Wild Africa Trek or go to Cinderelas castle. You might go tothe spaceMountain or the Splash mountain.Also go to the tower of terror,Hidden micky mouse,and downtown disney!!!

Food to eat!!!


Things you might eat are cake,chocolate,icecream, and mabye seafood. They are all delicious and you should try it!!The cooks over there are fabulous and they put alot of effort into their food that you eat. The cooks make really tiny and creative designs and so you might want to try it!!!

Places you can see fireworks...

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